
KOSAK - Open Pollinated Red Beet Seeds

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 (1)

Beta vulgaris 

  • Mid-late maturity. 
  • Multi germ type. 
  • Cylindrical shaped, medium sized roots. 
  • Smooth skinned roots with dark red interior. 
  • Very uniform harvest and superior quality. 
  • Green leaves with red veins. 
  • Very good resistance to bolting. 
  • Suitable for slicing in uniform chips. 
  • Open-pollinated seeds. 
  • Natural, Untreated, Non-GMO Seeds. 

GERM: 75%

Beets can be sown successionally outdoors from early spring to midsummer. Cold conditions can cause early sowings to bolt. Prevent this by sowing seed in cells indoors, using bolt-resistant varieties, or covering young plants with fleece or cloches. Draw out a row 1 in (2 cm) deep and sow seeds at 1 in (2 cm) intervals along it. Cover with soil, label, and water well. Space rows 8 in (20 cm) apart. Sow at the same depth in large, deep containers, spacing seeds 2 in (5 cm) apart. Alternatively, sow single seeds in cells and germinate on a cool windowsill or in a greenhouse. 

Beets have multi-germ seeds, each of which will produce several seedlings. Pinch off weaker seedlings to thin to 3-4 in (7.5—10 cm) apart. Harden off cell-raised seedlings and plant out at the same spacing in rows 8 in (20 cm) apart. Weed rows regularly and water to prevent the soil drying out. Create traps and barriers to protect seedlings from slugs and snails. Water beets at all stages of development to keep the soil moist and encourage roots to swell. 

Beets can be picked young, as soon as they reach a usable size, or left to grow to the size of a tennis ball. The leaves and stems are also delicious. To harvest beets, grip the stems and pull the roots up from the soil. Harvesting alternate plants encourages remaining roots to swell. Large roots harvested in mid-fall can be stored in sand-filled boxes in a frost-free shed. 

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Based on 1 review
Michael Doucette

KOSAK - Open Pollinated Red Beet Seeds